General Settings

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General Settings

In the menu position "Settings" next to the user name, general system actions are stored. The following settings are available:



Tasklist / To-Do List: opens the To-Do list.

Change password: Under this menu item you can set a new password for your user account if needed. The password is stored encrypted in the system, the administrator can manually reset it to a random password if needed.

Remember open tabs: If you have several tabs open in the system they will be displayed the same way the next time you log in. The option is enabled by default.

Color Theme: Displays available themes for the system interface. Currently you can choose between the default color theme (Default) or a dark gray/black theme (Dark Theme) and a light scheme. The chosen theme will be saved for the next login. In exceptional cases it can happen that this setting is reset to "Default" (e.g. during server maintenance).

Layout scheme: There are currently 3 variants here: Default, Large and Compact. This influences the line spacing in lists/size of many controls independently of the set browser zoom.