General Search

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General Search

The search field at the top is useful for quick, general full-text searches. The search is limited to the currently displayed object area (the area currently displayed as active tab, e.g. Ticketing, Asset DB, etc.).




A search term can simply be entered here. Clicking on the magnifying glass symbol or using the Enter key ("Return") will execute the search. The objects in the list are displayed filtered according to the search query. With the further search and filter options (e.g. the header-search), the search results can be further restricted. The "X" button in the control resets the search.

The general search browses all fields for full text. It is also possible to search only for parts of individual terms by using the trailing "*". Further specific searches and search combinations are possible. As a rule, the simple full text search is recommended here. More specific filter searches should be used for clearer results if the simple full-text search is not sufficient.




If you want to search for a specific ticket number, it is sufficient to enter even a part of the number. Depending on the singularity, you will get corresponding results. If the ticket in question is also assigned to further tickets via ticket relationships, these tickets will be displayed as well, since the ticket searched for is also listed as a number in these tickets.


In addition to searching in objects of the currently displayed area, the general search also uses the "recursive search" in other areas. This function is activated by standard. A recursive search thus also searches all other objects that are linked to the objects in the current area.




In ticketing, affected assets from the asset database are usually linked in many tickets. A recursive search for a term in ticketing will show all tickets in which this term occurs AND all tickets linked to an asset in which this term occurs, and so on.