Copy & Paste an Object List to Excel

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Copy & Paste an Object List to Excel

You can transfer the displayed, filtered result or a selection of it from an object list to Excel at any time by "Copy & Paste" and carry out further spreadsheets with the data there, if required. The column titles are also automatically transferred as the first line:



Transfer of an object list to Excel

1.Open any object list.

2.Search/filter the required list of results.

3.Mark/highlight selected entries individually while holding down the control key, or press [Ctrl] + a in order to select the entire list.

4.Press [Ctrl] + c (the system will report how many objects were copied to the clipboard).

5.Now open any Excel file and press [Ctrl] + v on the desired worksheet or use the "Paste" option of Excel

6.All selected contents (all displayed columns with the corresponding column titles) are transferred to the Excel file.


2.8.1 Excelübertragung Omnitracks


2.8.1 Excelergebnis