Setup Import bMS AD Persons

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Setup Import bMS AD Persons


Import of personal data from bMS

With the use of bMS bConnect version 2.0 it is also possible to perform an automatic person import.

This makes it possible to automatically synchronize personal data that is synced in the bMS with a local AD with the bTS.


Important notes:

In order for all data required for bTS to be available in the bMS bConnect interface, variables must be created in bMS. Please contact your baramundi consultant sales or support for details.

It is not recommended to import data from the same persons via CSV and bMS in parallel in order to avoid any conflicts.

Prerequisite is at least the bConnect 2.0 interface on the part of bMS.


In the baramundi Knowledge Base you will find instructions for preparing the data imports on the bMS side (requires a baramundi support account):



Additional notes:

The performed imports are displayed in the list below. Here it is to be noted:

If the "Successful" state is displayed, all records have been imported completely and all references have been set.

If the state "Failed" is displayed, error details are included in the error description. The import can also be opened by double-clicking. All errors that occurred are then displayed there.

Even if errors occurred, all other records may have been imported successfully.


The person was imported successfully, but no reference to the matching location could be created because it did not exist in the system. In this case, to resolve the error, the location with the corresponding title could be created in the system and the import repeated.