Standard User Groups

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Standard User Groups

The assignment of the individual permissions / roles is made via the predefined standard user groups so that they can perform basic data maintenance or access standard functions. The administrator can assign any users and any user groups to these rights groups.

Ticket user: The group contains all necessary permissions to create and edit tickets (default group for service desk employees).

Ticket manager: Ticket managers have extended rights to edit tickets and access the task board, as well as the KPI monitor. For example, the group can view the ticket history as well as the total SLA times. In addition, tickets in the "Closed" state can be manually reopened or closed (default group for managers).

Administration – Full: This group has full access to all administration settings (default role of the administrator). An administrator does not automatically have the permission to enter and edit tickets. For this purpose, he/she has to be assigned to the corresponding user group separately.

Administration – Asset Management: The group has access to and can administer the objects of the Asset Management DB, e.g. asset types and attributes.

Administration – Master Data: Includes the authorization to create and customize master data.

AssetDB Manager: Has extended access to the asset database and is informed by e-mail, for example, when the minimum stock level in the asset stock is not reached and can activate KB entries.

eCAB Participant: This group inherits all permissions of the "Ticket user" group and can additionally be used to approve changes, for example.

Security Manager: This group has all permissions of the "Ticket Manager" group and can be used e.g. for the responsibility for security incidents.


Users with administration rights in the master data administration can create any other individually nameable groups/teams, assign one or more of the existing permissions to them accordingly, and add users. This allows better assignment and control of tasks in ticket processing within the teams. In this way, existing specializations of the teams or team members can be better utilized.

Furthermore, the visibility of tickets can also be controlled by the groups, in case users of certain groups want to restrict only certain tickets to be seen here. This way, existing specializations of the teams or team members can be used better. See also the information in the section "User groups" in the administration.