Standard User Roles

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Standard User Roles

We have predefined the required information and functional content as well as system rights for the following principle standard user roles. This allows work in the system to be started very quickly without having to set up another dedicated role and rights model. If a special authorization role is required for a described function, this is indicated at the relevant point.


In general, the system differentiates between "USERS" and "PERSONS". Active users are the charged users in the system. They can take any of the following roles. Persons are the "customers" of the service department. They are not chargeable users and can only access the Self-Service Portal and the functions it contains. Any number of persons and users can be created in the system, but only the number of users corresponding to the number of purchased user accounts can be activated.



Service desk employee: The service desk employee uses the ticketing system as a daily working environment for the tickets and tasks ("Ticket user" group). All described functions in this help—except for the corresponding special contents for managers and administrators—can be used by the service desk employee.

Manager: The role of the manager can be performed e.g. by IT managers or employees with team leader functions. In principle, it is possible for each employee  to also be assigned the role of manager in the system, so that they can see all the manager's functions and content. Managers are users who have access to all the functions of the service desk employee role ("Ticket Manager" user group), but additionally have access to detailed information and extended rights in tickets (e.g. SLA details and ticket history), as well as being able to use overarching KPI monitoring functions and have individual cross-group rights. The manager has cross-group ticket access and extended rights for reassignments. Moreover, the manager can close tickets directly in escalations, and access ticket detail history and task information. A manager can also keep an eye on relevant key performance indicators (KPIs).

Administrator: The administrator is responsible for system settings and basic data maintenance in the system (group: "Administration - Full"). The administrator can also use all other functions of the system, as long as he/she is assigned to the permission groups "Ticket user" or "Ticket manager". A description of the specific functions for the administrator can be found here.


End user/ Customer: The end user obtains self-services via the end user portal ("Self-Service Portal", short "SSP"). The number of these personal accounts is not limited as long as they refer to defined persons from the own company group (employees) or direct customers. A description of the individual functions of the Self-Service Portal can be found here.



How many of your users are assigned the roles of manager, service desk employee or administrator is up to you as this can be set individually. The allocation has no effect on the usage costs. We generally recommend that you only assign administrator rights to a very limited group of users (e.g. one main administrator + one deputy), so that only coordinated administrative changes are made.


Besides these basic user roles, the administrator can define additional groups and roles and add users.

The administrator cannot deactivate his user himself for security reasons.