Asset DB List

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Asset DB List

The shortcut "Asset DB" leads to a standard view with a list containing all assets, configuration items (CI) and other entries managed in the Asset DB. The default view also includes the main search/filter columns.




The list of assets/CIs contains the following standard functions:


Button "Current view"

This button displays the currently selected view or allows you to select additional standard views or individual views.





Available default views:

Assets by Person: displays the list of all assets/CIs of this person after selecting a person.

Assets grouped: Default view where all assets/ CIs are displayed grouped by asset type.

Assets list: displays the complete Asset DB as a list. The sorting is done according to the creation date.

Assets list (bMS): same asset list, but filtered by only bMS Endpoints


This drop-down menu also allows you to define and manage your own views. ("Organize" and "Edit Layout")


Menu "Filter"


List of standard filters and the option to open the filter editor to define your own filters and save them under your own name for later use.

Button "New"

The "New" button opens the entry form for a new asset/CI. Mandatory fields are the selection of the CI type, the responsible group or user of the asset/CI as well as the selection of a criticality to be able to automatically calculate the impact if the asset/CI fails.


There is also an optional feature that allows the asset/CI to be created multiple times (as copies) in case masses of similar assets need to be captured manually. With the buttons "OK" or "Apply", a new asset is created with the entered data and can then be supplemented with the individual attributes, relationships, etc. If you have entered a number > 1 for "How often should the asset be created?", the asset will be created the same number of times (but with consecutive numbers). If you want to create only one asset, you do not have to change the value.




The asset type cannot be changed later!

The asset type "Business Service" is the only fixed one if the option "Service Orientation" is activated. The designation cannot be changed by the administrator.



Button "Open"

This button opens a selected asset/CI from the list.

Selection menu "Actions"

This drop-down menu contains other asset-related quick actions:




Update attributes: updates all attributes of the assets. This is necessary if the administrator has created new attributes. These are only visible in the respective asset after the update.

Move asset to stock: changes the state of the selected assets to "Stock". This is possible for assets only from certain states (see state model below).

Show assets of a person:showsafter selecting a person the list of all assets/CIs of this person.

Create reminder for asset: creates a new reminder for a selected asset. The reminder has a direct link to the asset.

Create ticket for asset: creates a new ticket. The marked assets are automatically affected assets/CIs of the ticket....

Create task for asset: creates a new task with reference to a selected asset/CI.

Change state of asset: in active, inactive or limited availability

Mark all marked assets for their reservation status (4 Options)

Delete Assets


In the list, Assets/CIs are represented with the following icons:

in state „inactive“ with a cross symbol

in state "limited availability" with a warning symbol

in state "Active" with a check

New and all other states (except stock) with a general asset symbol